So tonight my husband and I switched jobs, I was helping him out with typing some stuff so he put the kids to bed and washed clothes. He was washing his first load and came and asked me what laundry detergent I use (the obvious answer was there, the big one that looks like laundry detergent!) but it wasn't that easy he asked if it was the Oxy Clean and I said no so I went in there to show him, actually do it myself so it got "DONE RIGHT". I said that right there, picture A
Adam proceeded to tell me that it was fabric softener, seriously I do the laundry, I think I know what I am doing. I have a small Snuggle bottle that is fabric softener. After much research it was brought to my attention that is really was FABRIC SOFTENER!! WHO KNEW?!?! Sadly that whole container is practically empty...well hey atleast my clothes smell good!!! I bet Martha Stewart never thought of that one!!!
Posted by Sheena at 9:01 PM 6 comments
For Christmas I got both of the kids marshmellow sucker things and of course Janae wanted it over anything. So while we were opening presents I gave it to her and it never occured to me that it was going to get messy...boy was I in for a big surprise!
Posted by Sheena at 9:56 AM 2 comments
What Are Friends...
Can I just say how grateful I am for my friends! I don't know how I survived my whole life until I stayed at home with one friend or no friends at all. My life is so complete because I know that I always have someone I can call to hangout with or talk to, help me sew something, help me throw a shower, be my workout buddy, be a listening ear, be a mediator, be a smiling a BFF!!! I always thought that you couldn't have more than one friend and even after we moved here I first met Emilie and we hung out a lot and then she had other friends and that made me sad, then I realized that it was possible to have multiple friends so then I started collecting friends (it turned into a hobby) and now I have so many wonderful friends!! I wish I could hangout with all of them and I know I don't hangout with most of them but I love everyone of my girlfriends just the same. One day I will learn how to juggle this many girlfriends! I LOVE IT!! So thank you so much for all YOU do for me, you will never truly know what an inspiration you have been in my life. XOXO
Posted by Sheena at 8:32 PM 3 comments
4 YEARS...
Yesterday was Adam and I's 4 year anniversary!! I love him so much and we had such a great time hanging out. He got off work early and we went and watched Madd Money (see that is why I love him because he went to go see a chick flick with me) Then we took pictures at the photo booth, if that doesn't make you feel like you are 12 I don't know what does! Then we decided to eat somewhere we haven't gone before so we ended up at Carrabba's...WOW it was really good!! Then we played pool and by some weird chance I won a game!! But then he kicked my butt 2 times. I am so grateful for him and all he does for our family and for being so stink'n HOTT!! I LOVE YOU BABE!
Posted by Sheena at 8:33 AM 1 comments
New Blogger
I finally talked my friend, Jen, into getting a blog and it looks so good! She just had a baby girl, Ainsley who we are so glad is here to add some more female hormones to the Hoelscher home. We love them all and here is some pics of Ainsley that I took right after she was born!!
Posted by Sheena at 12:55 PM 1 comments
We went bowling with Rachel and Stephen and Candace and Steve and played pool. It was so much fun to bowl with our friends. I suck really bad at bowling no matter how hard I tried I would never get over a 60 score. Then my BF Rachel gave me some professional advice that I should stand more to the right so the ball would go straight down the middle. Duh, why hadn't I thought of that and BAM it worked I broke 100!!! Thanks Rach I couldn't of done it without you! And WOW what a great tan!!
Rachel and I played a game of pool while we waited for your hubbies. Wow that was a joke, I had to break it and that didn't work very well. No kidding that game took us an hour. I wanted to give up so many times because they just wouldn't go in the dang pockets, but somehow we finished the game. was so funny!WE LOVE YOU GUYS, THANKS FOR BEING SUCH GREAT FRIENDS and FAMILY!!
Posted by Sheena at 10:21 AM 0 comments
We Are Family
From left to right, Kirt, Lindsey, Adam and ME, Ryan and Dawn, Nathan and Nicole.
What's family time without some manly restling?! Yes, Adam and Ryan are still 13 year old boys who like to restle
My cousin Nathan and his wife Nicole came to visit from Utah and I haven't seen him for almost 2 years so we got together with my brother, Kirt, and his wife, Lindsey and Nathan's brother, Ryan, and his wife, Dawn and had dinner and played games. It was so much fun to see everyone, we had a GREAT time!!
Posted by Sheena at 2:23 PM 5 comments
A Little Behind
So yeah I haven't posted anything for over a month, but was just super crazy busy. And I would start posting pictures but I lost 99.9% when my husband and his brother were copying and pasting everything from one hard drive to another, but his brother finally found them and just has to burn all 3000 pictures to cds then send them in the mail and hope they make it here all the way from Louisiana.
Something that I just HAD TO post was that while Adam was in Yuma for work he was bored at work and went to Target and bought himself a book!! Yes that is HUGE because he hasn't read a book since he was a little boy, and even then I don't know if he did. But he read it in a day and LOVED IT!! That is all he could talk about. What I don't get is that I have been trying to get him to read our entire marriage, I bought him books and everything but he wouldn't read them. Well however it happened he read it then went to the store the next day and bought another book, he is so cute!
Posted by Sheena at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Afternoon in the Sun
Logan is such a STUD!!! He loves that jacket, he calls it his "Hulk jacket" THE 3 MUSKETEERS!! Logan loves hanging out with his best buds and could do it all day everyday!
So I took out my camera because Janae inspired me. I did her hair in pigtails for the first time today and WOW she is definitely the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on! Then I just went picture crazy and took 70 pictures at the park...yeah it is crazy I know!
I just can eat her up!! As long as she is eating food, which is what she did the whole time we were at the park, and some milk she is happy camper.
So all I wanted was a cute picture with my super cute baby girl and then she noticed Ainsley's pink blanket (which looks like hers) and she wanted it but didn't understand so she just kept whining and that is why we have this picture.
Posted by Sheena at 7:47 PM 0 comments