
Betty Crocker....I Think NOT!!

WOW WOW WOW, I out did myself today. I thought I would be so nice and make dinner instead of letting the food go bad and just go out to eat. Ahhh cause that would be too easy....NOOOOO
(1) food to prep, (2) oven to heat up, (3) house to cool down because of the oven, (4) recipe to watch on tv a million times to get it right that was dvr'd, (5) dinner mess to clean up, (6) dishes to wash, (7) dishes to put away (8) food to put away, (9) counters to clean, (10) floor to sweep, nothing....maybe that's why I like to eat out so much. All you have to do is (1) order your food and (2) pay the bill

So here is how my night went
Decided to make lemony shrimp scampi pasta with roasted broccoli, sounds good huh, looks even better when a chef makes it. I started to make it, we are on a good roll I make my own broth with the shrimp shells, onion and some water. I let it simmer for 20 minutes then was supposed to drain it but into a pan that was on the stove instead without thinking I let it drain into the sink, broth and everything that was going to make the sauce for my noodles gone. So I now have cold broccoli, noodles and shrimp scampi but nothing to pull it all together with, I was going to throw the towel in but Adam came to the rescue and as usual fixed it and made it so good, better than I probably would have done. So I decided to make cookies, well Adam had to get a head start on them bc I had company when I joined the party I ended up getting flour all over the kitchen and realized I used powdered sugar instead of regular sugar and forgot to put my butter in which shouldn't be a big deal but I had quadrupled the batch so Adam again came to the rescue and mixed the butter in the whole batch. Now I sit here with every dish used that I own and now I have to wash them and for what 10lbs of cookies that are going to make me more out of shape than I already am?!?! Man I need to go to the gym right now!!

And that's why I don't cook :( I suck at it