

Here is a conversation that happened in our car yesterday

ADAM: Is it wrong to feed a bird chicken?
ME: Is it wrong to feed a human human?
ADAM: Uh yeah...
ME/ADAM: Hahaha
LOGAN: That's not even funny guys
ADAM: Oh is that too dumb for your intelligence?

Logan is so cute!!

Then this conversation happened this morning

LOGAN: Mom, looooook....(pee on his bathroom floor)
ME: That was from Ginger huh
JANAE: No it was me
ME: It was you?! No way, what is it...
JANAE: Water
ME: Yeah?
ME: What happened? {about to go smell it to see if she is serious, and I believed her}
JANAE: {whisper} uh, no...I think it was Ginger
ME: I thought so {yeah I wasn't really going to smell it}
JANAE: She's a bad girl. I think we need to get a new dog


Beluga said...

Logan is hilarious...and maybe too smart.

Nanners -so cute. I can totally see her whispering that to you. COME VISIT SOON!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

LOL you kids crack me up! I cant wait to see them. Luke is sick so I will make sure and warn you if he is still sick when you want to come over. He should be better by then... but you never know.

The Coolest Curiels said...

LOL! You have the funniest stories!!! And I LOVE your kids!