

So last night Logan and Janae helped me put the Christmas tree away. After we were done I told Logan I loved him SOOOO much and he said I love you this much (and stretched his arms out) then we went back and forth saying we loved each other to grandma's, moon and then I said I loved him to the universe and then he said, "I love you to McDonalds" I was totally laughing, it was so funny. Little kids say the cutest things.

Another thing Logan said....
My little brother, Colton, came home to visit cause he lives with his buddy and Logan hasn't seen him in a while and so excited to see him so they were just playing and then Colton was saying how he was tired and was going to leave then Logan chimes in and here is how the conversation went

Logan: You live here
Colton: No I don't anymore
Logan: Yeah you do remember
Colton: Nope I don't buddy
Logan: Yeah you have a room, come here I'll show you
He grabs Colton's hand to go show him

The next night Colton came back over and Logan had taken a nap in Colton's room that day and when he see Colton he says the following

Logan: Colton I told you you have a room, I slept in it today. See yo do have a room

Kids definitely just say it how it is, he was so sincere it could break your heart. He loves and misses his uncle Zoltan


Shannon said...

Kaylee would say "I love you to old mcdonalds"

that is so sweet...Logan is a cutie!

The Parkers said...

that is too cute! Sorry I just now saw your comment with Kynslee's blessing. Ben actually really liked the massage, even now he mentions it. It's a shame they are so dang expensive but it was a nice way to relax and hang out. I definitely recommend it

Beluga said...

Logan is such a sweetie!

The Coolest Curiels said...

AWWW!!! soo cutie adorableness! I love that kid!

Carlie said...

Hey it was so cool to see you ( and finally re meet you in person) that sounds weird, doesnt it? Anywho, you looked great as always. Defiatley gimme a call sometime/or anytime when you visit your mom and we could totally get together and do something. The kids would get along great. Def. call me when Kelly comes back.

Beluga said...

Hey Sheeners, my sister would have lots of fun going to the movies with you. I think she'd see whatever, not as picky as me about movies.
Aubs bought a ticket to come out here Feb 20 and then I will come out there prob for a weekend.

Its Mardi Gras weekend Feb 20 you should come out!! :)