

Ringing in the NEW YEAR with his companion
YEAH I AM SOOOOO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE MY BROTHER TREVOR IS COMING HOME TONIGHT AFTER SERVING AN HONORABLE MISSION IN THE WEST INDIES!! He is the most amazing brother anyone could ask for, I am soooo proud of him! He is so cute, you just want to squeeze him! I can't wait to see him and he can meet little Nanners!


Beluga said...

I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to meet him.
The picture of him with a west indies native is funny bc there is a palm tree behind his head and it makes him look like he has a mohawk. I was like, wait...they can't have mohawks on missions?


Colette Goodman said...

Tell Trevor "Hi" for me. I don't think I'm going to be able to come to his homecoming. Hope he is good and not in that weird return missionary stage.

The Parkers said...

I have to admit in the first picture I too thought he had a mohawk...that is pretty funny. I am so excited for your family!! What fun news!! Give your family a hug from me!

Karisa & Tyler said...

Yay!!! Welcome home Trevor! I'm so excited to see him again. You're mom sent my fam an e-mail about his homecoming talk, but I don't remember when it is... will you let me know asap so I don't miss it!? I hope it isn't tomorrow! Anyway, give him a hug for me and welcome him home! :)