

So I am also taking a pilates class, two times a week and I went yesterday for the first time. A lady in my stake is teaching it, Kerri Fulton, and she is SOOO FUNNY, so obviously the class is a hoot! She makes me want to laugh the whole time, even though it is really tough. I am trying to give up junk food...it isn't going so good for me, especially because Adam went to the store with me the other day and bought, 3 cake mixes, 3 tubs of frosting, a 1/2 gallon of ice cream, 3 boxes of my favorite cereals, and chocolate milk...all of those I LOVE!!! Why would he get all of that and waste the money I just spent on these classes, I don't know, I think he is the devil in hiding! Hopefully I won't give in too much ;-)


Beluga said...

Husbands- whadyado with em!?
Pilates is so good for you, you will get super toned. Why don't you try to make a day a week where you can have some of the stuff you really love. Like Sunday, your off day, you can have some sweets. Or Wednesday your middle day you can have some fast food. (just a thought :) )