
Boot Camp or DIE

So being sick couldn't have come at a better time, Sunday night I got hardly any sleep because I kept waking up about to puke so at 4:30 when I was still awake and my alarm clock went off I told Adam I wasn't going. Boy was I blessed, because the class had been rained out, so today I went and it was really fun! Getting up that early is kind of how it is when you are starting your first day of school and you get up like 4 hours before you need to and are so excited and not tired, yeah that is how I was. It wasn't cold outside, probably because I was so excited. We did a circuit and there were some things that kicked my butt, so it was totally worth it! And the best part about it, is I am not tired when I get home so I am wide awake before my kids are even up, it is WONDERFUL!!


Beluga said...

Cutting my image out of a picture and putting it iinto another takes like 10 seconds, but yes, alas I have too much time on my hands! :)

Karisa & Tyler said...

Yay! Go Sheena! You're already gorgeous though just so you know! :) I know working out and getting in shape really just helps you feel more accomplished and better about yourself though! You go girl!