

I tag:


The Hunky Husband Survey...
What is his name? Adam Curiel
How long have you been married? 4 years in January
How long did you date? 13 months from beginning to getting hitched
How old is he? 26
Who eats more? He definitely does
Who said I love you first? Me
Who is taller? Adam by 7 inches
Who sings better? He is a great singer, I am not a good as I hope, but I pretend I am ;-)
Who is smarter? Adam
Whose temper is worse? Umm, me, but I am working on it
Who does the laundry? Me
Who does the dishes? I do it, but I should have him do it more often because he is super quick at it
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? facing the bed Adam does he wants to switch it up, but you just don't do that
Who pays the bills? Me another thing I should have him do
Who mows the lawn? Adam
Who cooks dinner? Me, but Adam is better at that too (I have to follow a receipe and hope it turns out good, he just throws spices together and it turns out amazing) I don't know why he isn't a stay-at-home dad
Who drives when you are together? Me and I hate it, I always say doesn't it make you feel like less of a man if your wife is driving you around and so lately he grabs the keys from me and say, "I ain't going to have no woman drive me around!!" It is about time!
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I don't know if either of us will admit we are wrong
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine
Who proposed? I guess I will be honest, but please don't ask for details, it was me
Who has more friends? Me, personally I would be a reck if I didn't have a social life, I don't know how Adam does it with one BFF
Who has more siblings? Adam he has 3 brothers, 1 sister, 1 half sister and 5 step siblings...I hope I am right
Who wears the pants in the family? I would say it is about 60/40 in my favor...another thing I wish he did more ;-)


Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

ok I posted mine on my blog... Check it out.

Chris and Jerrae said...

I haven't done it yet but pleased to see I was tagged....You are hilarious! I love your answers, what a match made in heaven.

Chris and Jerrae said...

Holly Cow- married Four years way to go what a young hot momma!