Sorry it took so long to get that post up of Vegas, I have been having problems with my computer and I didn't think to call my internet company because I thought Adam could fix it...of course after 2 hours of trying I found out that wasn't true. So I called tech support it was fixed within a matter of minutes!! So here you go, enjoy!!
Adam's Weekend of Fun!!
The surprise was awesome!! He had no idea and he was confused for like 10 minutes, it was classic! I wish I had video taped it. So anyway we head out and I shouldn't be driving in the first place, because sometimes I get lost, like this time and I shouldn't have because we were still in Phoenix. We drove like 20 miles out of the way so that was super exciting, but we soon found the road and were on our way. We got there pretty late but we still drove down the strip and went into Ceasars Palace to watch the statues come to life then went to the Bellagio to watch the fountain show...that was really cool!
The silhouette picture was by accident, but it looks way better than the one where you can actually see us!Crystal and Kevin...soon to be Mommy and Daddy!!
Beautiful Eiffel Tower
Saturday I forgot my camera so I didn't get it until late that night when Crystal and Kevin met up with us to see Stomp Out Loud, that was amazing! We also went to the BEST buffet ever...really I was so full I could hardly breathe and I didn't even eat THAT much! Oh yeah I cannot forget that we woke up that morning to find our car had been egged and it chipped off paint. I don't think we were wanted in Vegas.
Next morning we got to the strip at 10am and didn't leave until 2am the following morning. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, they were completely numb and to think Adam wanted to go dancing after all of that! So that day we just walked around, didn't really know where to go because it was kind of overwhelming. But we went shopping, another buffet, the Variety Show (the funniest thing I have ever seen!!!!) sight seeing, watched a rock band called Phoenix which Adam loved!! Oh yeah, he wishes he were a ROCK STAR!! He is so cute! It was so nice to be with just him and not have to worry about wifely/motherly duties!
This is what I had to see all over the place, super hot, half naked guys I am perminately scarred for life!! LOL, yeah right!! It was definitely a welcoming change from seeing half naked chicks!!
Oh yeah another fun and unforgettable thing was Adam was trying to find a spot at the casino and saw one but he had to reverse and he reversed right into another car. We don't know what damage we caused because her car already had been in an accident or two. But luck was on our side because nothing happened to our car!!
We went to a shark reef which was like an enormous tank and you could walk right in the middle of it and you were surrounded by it. There were lots of sharks and then they had a tank full of jelly fish, they looked beautiful and graceful just floating there. Then they had a tank where you could pet stingrays and there was one gigantic one and it scared me because they still had their stingers and after the whole Steve Irwin thing, yeah I jumped really high when I tried to pet it and it moved really quickly. Everyone laughed at me!
Posted by Sheena at 12:51 AM 4 comments
THE BIG 2-6!!!
Adam is going to be 26 on Tuesday so I thought I would surprise him and take him to Vegas (since we have never been there and to see his sister, Crystal). I am sooo excited, I don't keep secrets, so I am freaking out inside!! I should be finishing packing right now, but of course I am blogging. I am going to drop the kids off at my mom's and then go to his work. We are going to go to the park and have a picnic then I am snatching him from work and off we will go!!! I am so ready for a vacation without the babies! Just some one on one time with my honey since it has been over 2 years since Adam and I got away just the two of us! So I will take lots of pics so watch out for them!!
Posted by Sheena at 8:20 AM 4 comments
Poor Hubby
I know everybody already knows how good Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse are, but I thought I would just tell you again. I read some of your blogs and still didn't know if I should read it, then my friends Amanda and Emilie read them and so I decided to buy them. I started Twilight about a month ago and finished it in like 3 days then New Moon in 2 days. I guess it is better to be addicted to reading instead of watching tv. But Adam was feeling neglected, so I thought I wouldn't start reading Eclipse for like a week and spend some time with Adam and watch movies or something. Well, that didn't happen I read the first chapter and haven't been able to put it down. Adam went to Blockbuster while I stayed at home and read. He got You, Me and Dupree which is super romantic since I have been wanting to watch it for sometime so I stopped reading and watched it. After the movie was over Adam asked if I like it and I said that was the biggest waste of an hour and 45 minutes that I could have been reading!! So I am officially giving up on watching movies and tv because nothing is better than this book right now and Adam will just have to be patient while I finish it, even if he is being neglected. I put up with video games for so long, now it is time to get back at him and not listen to him while I am reading!! LOL
Posted by Sheena at 9:32 AM 2 comments
Welcome Camden Fisher!!!!
Yesterday I spent a good part of my day at the hospital with my friend Rachel and Stephen Fisher and their family waiting for baby boy #2 to come. I got there about 12:30 and Adam came and got me to get me some food at 4:15pm and she finally got to a 6 after being a 4 since about 10am. We weren't even gone an hour and a half and I called and they had the baby 45 minutes previously!!!! Wow way to get that baby out Rachel! He is a very cute 'Puppy' they like to call him and his brother Quentin. He looks just like his big brother. Talk about craving another baby, that will do it to you. He is either 7lb 15oz and 20 1/2" long with dark brown hair. He is perfect and Rachel is doing fabulous as always. Pictures will come shortly
Posted by Sheena at 1:25 PM 1 comments
Why Logan is so Wonderful!!!
Here is a conversation Adam and I had with Logan during dinner.
"Mommy...ummm delicious dinner!"
A few minutes pass buy he looks at me and says
"Mommy you beautiful!!"
Then looks at Adam and says
"Daddy you great!!"
Then I said, "Logan YOU'RE GREAT!!"
Then he looks at me seriously and says,
"Thank you VERY much!"
We laughed so hard because he is so darn cute!!
I am so glad he is my son, I love him more and more every day!!!
Posted by Sheena at 8:52 PM 2 comments
I need some recommendations on who to call to get my carpets cleaned. I am having a shower and besides that I just need to get them cleaned. So if anyone knows a good company please let me know! Thanks!!
Posted by Sheena at 11:23 PM 1 comments
Scrub-a-dub-dub Two Babies in a Tub
Logan loves to wash his and Janae's hair. He is looking out for his mom, making less work for me!! How sweet!
Posted by Sheena at 3:36 PM 0 comments
For some reason Logan loves playing in the doggies kennel. But this time it was funny, Logan goes, "Come here girl" and they both laid in the kennel together.
Posted by Sheena at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Rule #1 - No Running in the House
Well, that should have been our #1 rule. Adam was chasing Logan and he always runs to me so I can save him, but he was running so fast and I was laying on the couch so his face just bashed into mine. We both started crying and I was worried about Logan because he is my baby, but Adam was worried about me because I was bleeding so nothing was getting taken care of at first. After some ice and pictures we just laughed!! So needless to say, lesson of the day running in the house!
Posted by Sheena at 3:11 PM 1 comments
This is my little nephew Price. He is such a tank and I just love him to pieces!! He is just starting to walk, it is so fun!
Posted by Sheena at 2:45 PM 0 comments