

So I just saw on the news that a photo radar van got shot up and the man inside died. The reason it got shot up is because some punk guy hates the fact that he can't go 90mph. So to prevent from getting caught by the cameras set up all along the freeways he put a cover over his license plate. He got mad when he saw the radar van so decided to kill someone over it...an innocent man who was on the phone with his wife. So sad...but to make it even better (not really) when the news crew was doing their story a car drove up and said I hope they find him not guilty because he was in the right. WHAT?!?! Then Adam's boss that is was the coolest thing ever, he laughed about it and said I am glad someone finally shot one up! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!

WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?! You have no sense of right verse wrong, you think its ok to kill innocent people, I seriously cannot believe it! I am so upset who in the world honestly thinks it funny? If any of you think this is funny and you are glad it happened I am interested to hear why so please let me know...but know this KARMA SUCKS!!



Angee said...

I heard about this today and couldn't believe it! I hate those speed cameras too but I value life more than time and convenience. I heard that the person who did it was a pretty old person too. I just can' believe that people can really be that self-centered! I agree with you on the Karma sucks part!

Stephen, Rachel, Q, & Cam said...

WTF!!!! I didnt hear about that!!! I agree with that person that went to all of the photo radars on the freeway and blacked them out with spray paint, but this took it way to far! I hope that they catch the guy and put him in for life!