

I am wanting to workout from home and need to tone up and loose the weight I just gained back and currently gaining from have a huge buffet tonight for Stephen's going away party. Ah I feel so gross, I was going to workout after everyone left but people are still here. I thought everyone would have been gone a long time ago since they got here at 3 but we are all still partying, playing the WII and Guitar Hero. So anyway I am wanting to find some workouts to do from home since there isn't a good gym here in Maricopa so I need some good suggestions on what to do. I know you know some so please post a comment....areas I am looking to workout are, my arms (to shrink and tone) my shoulders (to tone), my stone (to flatten and harden), love handles (to disappear), butt (to tone and to look like Beyonce), my thighs (to tone and shrink), calves (get a little bit bigger and muscular)

I am not vain, I just want to feel good and I feel awesome after working out I just don't know what to do. If anyone wants to workout with me let me know cause I am open for having a partner too :) THANKS


Beluga said...

100's of lunges for your butt!! Use some hand weights while you are doing them. Then after you are totally tired rest for a couple minutes and then go do glut lifts, on your hands and knees, your leg will be behind you at a 90 degree angle, do short, but strong lifts keeping your core tight. Do 100's of those till it burns violently. :)

Abs, use a ball. That is the best way to get the angle you need to work your abs. Do a minimum of 500crunches every day, once that is too easy, use medicine balls to add weight. Hold the medicine ball out in front of you with straight arms (not locked elbows though)If you want to strenghten your abs you need higher weight vs. repetition. If you notice your abs are not fatiguing do them once every other day and use high weight but make sure your back and neck are not straining.
You should feel tenderness in your abs the next day if you worked them hard.

The best thing for shoulders is dumb bells and arm lifts to the front and out to the side with straight arms. Do these till they burn burn burn. Then continue to add more weight over the next few weeks to build muscle.

Make sure to document your progression so you know how much weight you started with and how much you are adding. Also, take pics. Don't rely on looking at yourself in the mirror. You won't always see those graudual changes.

Hope this helps :)

Martin Family said...

im starting the jillian michaels 30day shred. come join me! we'll have summer bikini bods in no time :)

Michelle said...

I've heard the P90x works good. I've got a few friends out in QC doing it. But, I have yet to try it. I'm not quite one for asking this kind of advice right now!!

Em said...

this makes me want to get up off the couch for sure. happy sweating shene bene.