
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!

So yeah we got our Christmas tree up, thanks SOOO much to Adam for helping me out, I really don't think I could have done it better myself. So this tree has taken me 4 years to get it the way I wanted it because every year I would ask if I could buy all the decorations for the tree and he would say no just get one thing and so every year I would and then get it on sale so I could get two things and now I am so happy with it!!!! And all of our lights are up outside so yeah!


Beluga said...

that looks SO good, cant wait to come over!

The Parkers said...

oh I am jealous..I wish we could afford more too...it looks great!!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

It looks so GREAT

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

Check out my blog for details on the Christmas Party.

The Gordons said...

Oh Sheena, you're home is so fantastic! Its gorgeous! One day I too will have a fantastic home like yours! Your kids are too cute!

The Brosemann Clan said...

if you have any extras. I want them. I can not afford to buy new decorations- even on sale after the fact. looks great.