
A White Thanksgiving

We are heading up to Utah a week from today, that would be the 17th and I am thinking we are possibly going to freeze our behinds off in the snow and yeah we aren't so much prepared living in Arizona our whole lives. So we are on the hunt to borrow some snow gear, Adam and I are going to attempt snowboarding with my counsins. And we are going to take the kids in the snow, it will be their first time. So if there is anyone that could PLEASE PLEASE help us and lend us their stuff that would be MUCHO APPRECIATED!! Adam is 5'11" pants 34/32, me 5'4" size 7 and Logan is a size 4/5T and Janae a 2T.


Karisa Tomkinson said...

I wish I could help you with the snow gear, but oh-yeah... I live here too! Ha ha! I hope you guys have a blast! Make sure to take pictures to show all of us Arizonians what snow actually look like! ;) Love you!

Shannon said...

i have a winter jacket