

So Logan turned 4 on Wednesday, the 5th. I had planned to take him to Bounce You but that fell through, but throughout the week we celebrated his birthday. On Sunday we got together with my family for both of the kids birthdays, Adam's and my grandpas...all within 13 days of each other! On his birthday we asked what he wanted to eat and he said pizza, and he got to pick out his favorite thing which is hot wings (his favorite pizza is hot wing pizza too, it must be the mexican in him). Then Friday night he went to his Abuelo's and Abuela's house for more presents and then Saturday he got to have a slumber party with two of his friends. Wow it has been one fun week!

I love my Logan boy, he is growing up into such a little man now. I am so grateful that I get to spend everyday with him and get to be his mommy.

Somethings Logan loves
1. Spiderman, he says when he grows up he will be a BIG Spiderman!
2. Puzzles (100 piece ones) he does them everyday and would do them all day long if I would let him.
3. Riding his bike to the park and pulling Janae in the wagon to the park
4. Playing baseball...he is much better now that I realized he is really right handed not left handed
5. Reading, every night he wants me to read him a book, and then just one more
6. Hot cheetos
7. Playdo, will also do that all day long
8. Playing with his friends and his cousins and has a hard time leaving them
9. Winning, whether its running up the stairs or first one to the door, he HAS to win


Beluga said...

He is growing up so fast. He is like a little (big) boy now. You can see what he is going to look like, so handsome, what a lady killer!

I cannot believe it. Does it seem so fast? Cannot wait to see him and hug him and wrestle with him.
