

Wow I am way behind on my blog. Lets see yesterday Logan got a bloody nose from him and his friend rolling a monster truck back and forth to each other. You can push the truck down and lock it and then as it rolls it pops up, well when his friend rolled it to him it popped up right in his face and he started crying and Adam and I were sitting on the couch but couldn't see him because he was sitting on the ground but when he wouldn't stop crying I went to go see what was wrong and there was blood everywhere...yeah that's not really up my alley of things I like to deal with so luckily Adam was here to clean him up.

My whole house is pretty much painted except the den and my bathroom, well since I see my bathroom a milion times a day it has been driving me nuts since it's flat paint and it gets so dirty. So I started painting yesterday and did some today and then ran out of paint so now it feels like I just moved in because the bathroom is half painted but I will be so happy when it's done.

Adam got a job as a lab manager for a construction company back in January and soon after he left his old job offered him a job and would tell him every couple of weeks how badly they wanted him back, well he finally decided to take their offer. It's going to be so good for us. It took them for him to leave to realize how much he was worth, we are so excited he starts July 7th!

So life is just crazy, Janae thinks she runs the house and it completely S-P-O-I-L-E-D!! Thanks so much to my awesome husband Adam who says to Logan, you give her whatever she wants...oh yeah that is not so good! She talks soooo much and has said a few sentences, she is growing up so quickly and loves to wear her sunglasses, necklaces, bracelets and shoes and she is ready to go out. Logan I am pretty sure is done with naps, but will fall asleep instantly once you get in the car so I don't really understand that. He is such a big help, he loves being in charge of feeding Chala and is really proud of himself that he helps mommy out! He is pretty convinced he is Spiderman and could watch that movie over and over again. Both of them LOVE LOVE LOVE food, like me and love to swim with their daddy. I love when we go to the pool because I try to play with the kids and Adam but the kids just want to play with daddy so it "forces" me to just lay out and tan, yes I am TOTALLY complaining! I am getting stir crazy, but feel like I can't leave my house because of gas so I need to come up with other things we can do but I am loosing my motivation. Oh well atleast I updated my blog!!


Beluga said...

1. Set clear, simple limits
Think of it this way: If you leave no room for reinterpretation, you save yourself arguing later. Listen to the difference between "Oh okay, you can have a cookie..." (plenty of room for hope that a second one might be okay) and "You can have one cookie, but don't ask me for a second one. This is it."

2. Stick to those limits no matter what
One really means one. It's happened to all of us: We say no to more than one cookie, and then we start second-guessing ourselves. The trick here is to take a long-term view. Maybe a second cookie really would be okay just this once, but do you really want to be second-guessed every time you set a limit? That will happen if you change your story.

3. Never give in to begging
This one's simple — once you do, you've taught your child that begging works, right?

4. Make your child convince you
If she wants something you're not sure about, ask her to make a case for it. She wants to watch a favorite TV show? If she explains that all her homework is done and she's practiced piano, you can feel comfortable saying yes.

5. Require that chores get done before fun
You don't do your child any favors by being a softy. Studies show that being strict on chores and responsibilities helps him develop the ability to cope with frustration.

6. Don't be afraid to disappoint
We hate to see our kids sad, but the Stones said it best: You can't always get what you want. And studies show that learning to accept disappointment will give your child important coping skills to deal with emotional stress later in life.

7. Let them work for what they want
Many experts believe that kids become spoiled when things come too easily, encouraging them to take those things for granted. If your child wants a new bike, set up a reward system for good behavior and let him earn it bit by bit.

Beluga said...

Here is another article - I know its cheesy Dr. Phil but it has VERY good points. http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/94

The Coolest Curiels said...

Sounds like y'all have got your hands full. I can't believe Janae is talking! That's CRAZY! We have to get out there and see how cute she and Logan (AKA Spiderman) are! You are such a good mom! Love ya!

Beluga said...

Im so glad you liked the comment - I was hoping you wouldn't think some lady without any kids was trying to tell you what to do but you had mentioned a few things and you know how I like to read up on stuff... :)

Em said...

Hi! Good luck finishing up your painting. I have a great idea: let's hang out! And thanks to dr. curiel for the words of wisdom...

Beluga said...

Its almost been 5 days LADY!