
You're IT

Whats your name spelt backwards? ANEEHS EERAL LEIRUC

What did you do last night? Relaxed after being in Mesa for like 4 days. Watched Extreme Home and ate ice cream (Last night I was eating whatever I wanted ;)

The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Pictures my sister sent me from when Trevor came home since I broke my camera

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Yes, it felt super weird

Last time you swam in a pool? In the summer time

What are you wearing? a super cute lounge dress with my black slippers

How many cars have you owned? 3 cars, but Adam bought them all :-)

Type of music you dislike most? Hard core country, I would have to agree with Kelly and "devil music" (hard core scary music)

Are you registered to vote? Yes mam

Do you have cable? Only because our HOA requires us to, and then we only get the basic channels...it's really dumb!

What kind of computer do you use? Laptop is Gateway

Ever made a prank phone call? yes

You like anyone right now? I like everyone all the time! I'm a lover not a fighter

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? I would NEVER bungee jump, but maybe sky dive, I would probably pee my pants when they told me to go, but it would be cool once my shoot came out and I could relax

Furthest place you ever traveled? Florida

What's your favorite comic strip? Who reads the newspaper?

Do u know all the words to the national anthem? I think so and if I don't I just make them up, like I do with every song

Shower, morning or night? Mornings or after I workout

Best movie you've seen in the past month? Can't remember, but we just watched Welcome Home Roesco Jenkins that was funny

Favorite pizza toppings? Normally pepperoni

Chips or popcorn? I eat more chips, but I like popcorn too

What cell phone provider do you have? Verizon

Have you ever smoked peanut shells? What the freak, who would have thought of that, never heard of that before

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Actually yes, and I won 1st place, but then again I was 2.

Orange Juice or apple? Orange, I don't drink juice though

Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? My whole family we went to Macayo's (my FAV!) the day after trevor came home

favorite chocolate bar? Hershey's Cookies n Cream, 100 Grand, Skor, Frozen Reese's, Frozen Snickers and Twix (yeah now I want it all!!)

Who is your longest friend and how long? Jerrae I have known since I was like 3 or something and I just LOVE her and all of my other BFF's TOO!

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Maybe when I was 5

Have you ever won a trophy? Powder Puff Football, Poetry, Dance Contest (I was in 4th grade)

Favorite arcade game? Mario Bros, Tetris

Ever ordered from an infomercial? Yes, they suck you right in

Sprite or 7-UP? Um, neither I LOVE DR PEPPER!!

Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? No I just had to wear nice clothes to work...haha wait I worked at McDonald's and KFC (I know that is SOOOOO LAME!!!!!)

Last thing you bought at Walgreens? Make-up and Christmas Lights

Ever thrown up in public? Yes

Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? When you find true love doesn't that make you rich?!

Do you believe in love at first sight? no

SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON? Jimmy Neutron, I can't stand spongebob

Did you have long hair as a young kid? Like mid-length then I cut it like a boy in 9th grade

What message is on your voicemail machine? It's stupid

Where would you like to go right now? To the snow or on a vacation anywhere without the babies

Whats the name of your pet? Chala Chushie

What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? Um, I don't have one

What do you think about most? How do I get out of this rut, why am I in it, how I need to start eating healthy and get in shape, how do I be a better mom, wife, friend, person, how is Adam going to build this lab all by himself and is he going to kill himself doing it, why am I addicted to tv (anyone else)


Beluga said...

Chala Chushie made me smile~
Um, hello, of course they're fake ~ its called Kelly's super editing!

Beluga said...

Go buy a new camera, I need more baby pictures!!!!

Beluga said...

Your name spelled backwards is like ANUS~ thats your new nickname!! HEHEHEHE

Carlie said...

u wana come to a jewlwery party in early april? let me know. thanks

Carlie said...

hey, the party is going to be friday april 4th at 7pm. can u make it?