

NOT ME!! Sunday Adam was great, he played lots of games with the kids and I was like what is he trying to show me up? So I had it set in my mind Monday it would be Logan, Janae and Mommy's "DAY OF FUN" but yeah it didn't happen like that I woke up with a splitting headache and pretty much made a dent in my couch all day. I didn't take medicine because I kept saying I just need caffeine so I eventually gave up and got a Dr. Pepper at 4pm after watching The First 48 all day because I couldn't get off the couch I was in so much pain, I guess it didn't really help then I had a sugar free red bull, an hour and a half later another red bull but then some tylenol because I realized it was not a caffeine headache just the worst headache of my life, then 5 hours later I thought what the heck why not a Monster (my headache was gone) but then when I decided to go to bed at 3:45am it came back....Lesson learned?? I'm addicted to energy drinks even though they don't do anything for me they just taste AWESOME! :)

This morning I was regretting staying up so late (I did have to work though) but I came to the conclusion that they should legalize speed for moms, just a little but enough to become SUPER MOM!


Beluga said...

a good nights rest and an apple in the morning is more beneficial than any speed. :)

Joran said...

haha you are hilarious. Glad to know that my caffine mood swings and headeaches aren't just in my head. I can't seem to go a day without my caffine. :)

Mia said...

I love this post because I am completly addicted to energy drinks too and now that I know you are I dont feel so bad about it. Is that bad?