

WOW I'm so excited. Two months ago I lost my $400 camera, not my proudest moment. I couldn't for the life of me remember where I last had it. It contained pictures from out family outting to SeaWorld and I was so sad it was such a great camera and I finally caved in and bought another one but it SUCKED in comparison. So I decided to organize my game closet because it had some boxes that needed to be thrown away and the kids would just put their games right inside the door when they were done playing with them and I get to Logan's birthday decoration bag and I knew there was a thing of stickers I had bought for the kids when they cleaned their room and helped around the house and I lifted up the bag and there, sitting beautifully was my CAMERA!!! I felt like I was in a dream holding out my camera twirling in a circle just me and my camera! Haha it was a beautiful thing so needless to say I am back in business and will take mucho picturos! And I have to upload our vaca pics - tata for now!