

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANAE!! Today was so much fun celebrating our little princesses birthday. First we went to Logan's gymnastics class and she got to play in their cool play area, but was pretty clingy cause she is starting to cut her fang teeth but it was still fun. Logan did soooo good at his class...pictures to come. Then we went to the store and they got donuts, lucky! Now to the best part we all went to McDonalds then my friend watched

ogan so Janae and I could get OUR NAILS DONE!!

So it was way past her nap time, 2:30 but she did great. I picked out pink and then they said they would take care of her so I just got my camera and took picture after picture after picture. She didn't really know what was going on at first and wouldn't smile for pictures until she saw the polish on and her flowers they put on. She tried out the massage chair too and couldn't get it to work so she decided it was a phone. Like 2 minutes before they were done she just closed her eyes and fell asleep. Ahhh so cute!! She has a fun fill birthday :)


Beluga said...

You took me to get my first pedicure too! Happy B-day Nannneerrrs! Miss you!

The Curiel's said...

Ahh...that is so stinkin' cute!!! I love all the pics. Happy birthday girlie!