
A New Vacuum?!?!

So the other day I went to vacuum and it wasn't picking up anything, so I decided the vacuum hit the bucket and it was time to get a new one (since Adam found that one in an apartment like 4 years ago) but I didn't want to tell Adam because they can get pricey for a nice one so I told my mom I was just going to buy a new one and put it in the hall closet and never tell him plus he wouldn't notice because he doesn't vacuum but once a year. So I posted a question on Coupon Sense asking what a good vacuum is, and I narrowed it down to two possibilities. Then, I decided to tell Adam the other day and he just got done cleaning the backyard and I was in the laundry room and he said I haven't been in here for a while and opened up the hall closet to see the vacuum. He pulled it out and said how do you know it doesn't work and I said, um because it doesn't pick anything up. So he looks at it, pulls off the dust/dirt trap and says, no wonder it isn't picking up anything it is COMPLETELY FULL!!!!! Hehehe oops and now he is vacuuming while I am typing and telling me how well it works. I almost wasted $400 and threw away a perfectly good vacuum ;-O


Beluga said...

oh my goodness, first the laundry detergent, now the vacuum ~ girly you are so funny!!
Raul does the same thing with mechanical items, I'll be like, oh time to get a new one and then he goes and fixes the darn thing! But I wanted a NEW one!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

You are so funny! Luckly I have a hubby that cleans with me otherwise I'm sure I would do it too. Insted I just ruin things while I clean... (I'm not alowed to have bleach in the house anymore) :)

The Coolest Curiels said...

Hahaha. I love it! That must be a pretty powerful vacuum cleaner! You didn't clean it out in four years? That's kind of amazing in a wierd way...

Sheena said...

No, no, no I have cleaned it out within 4 years!! It just has been like 4 months, I think since I last cleaned it out :-)

Rachael said...

sheena, i love your blog and all your stories. you crack me up!

Stephen, Rachel, Q, & Cam said...

Wow honey you are Blonde, But I love ya!

Kelly C. Poetry said...

You're so SWEET - Thank you!