
Wow, that took forever!!

So we went on vacation and I took about 500 pictures and then of course I had to blog them. So I did it and I was so proud of myself because I used Picasa and it shrunk the time down tremendously. I soon found out that the pictures weren't showing up and I did it all backwards so needless to say I had to redo it all the slower way. After a day and a half process I finally finished it. ENJOY!!


Carlie said...

Hey, this is Carlie again.(Bo's wife)(Bo is adams stepbro.) Sounds like and looks like you guys had a blast. It's a hard job to take two young kids on an airplane. But you survived. everyone looks great. Hope to hear from ya soon. Have u checked out my blog? carlies2boyz.blogspot.com c-ya

Carlie said...

just kidding, I didnt see that you had added me to your list. so you have looked at my blog. hehe. I'm a dork.