
Pensacola, FL aka Gulf of Mexico

We drove to a beautiful white sandy beach in Florida even though it was cloudy. It wasn’t raining at all, until we got there and then it started pouring. We ate some lunch then went to the beach once the rain stopped. It was still cloudy but we thought we were fine. As we were walking up a lifeguard told us that we are "advised" not to swim since it was lightening and that Pensacola beach had the highest lightening strike deaths in the world, but there wasn't a law to prevent us from staying. Oh yeah, great I thought, we just drove an hour and a half just to leave because we might get killed by some lightening...crazy, but I think I will take the chances, we are going in! We were the only ones on the beach, it was great!! Eventually we left because the police came to get everyone off the beach.


Shannon said...

sheeh....I'm so jealous!